And there, is lodged as a parasite
As host I have responsibility for this
Forgot to lock the doors while sleeping
Therefore, I am aware of the inopportune visit
That as every visitor will have to leave one day
Until then, live your presence that feeds of my days
Silently and covertly
Disguise no pain and silence its presence, peaceful
Knowing I food the thoughts of frustrated idealizations
As an unfulfilled promise, in which the sun's rays injure the retina
Roiling my vision in grayscale
"It's passing," they say, and I know it well. I can not watch the desired life
While it lives for me. If we can not exorcise our feelings
We must learn to control them
And the best way is to know to experience them in its nature bittersweet
Melancholy brings a selfish self-centeredness of a cocoon inside
Highly selective, rejects the most beautiful memories lived with love
Anesthesia the heart that once beat with ardor
Negative with semblance of apathy to any hope
And this is the pain
And this is pain.

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